
At Pow Laboratories Inc, we have a full Orthodontic team of highly skilled technicians in all facets of orthodontic analysis and design. These talents are highlighted in the technical knowledge to be creative and artistic. All orthodontic products are supported by a 1 year warranty.

Our range of products and services are diverse to suit the needs of your patients. Products include:

  • Cephalometric Analysis

  • Digital Study Models

  • Fixed and Removable Retainers

  • Fixed and Removable Functional Appliances

  • Direct and Indirect Brackets

  • Smile Retainers

  • Clear Aligning Retainers

  • Customized Coloured Appliances

  • A range of Night Guards from Impak Pf Deprogrammers to Repositioning and TMJ Splints.



All orthodontic appliances and splints have a 1 year warranty covering defect in materials or craftsmanship.



Fixed Retainers

Bonded 3x3 are great at retaining the six anterior teeth post ortho or for maintaining stability. These can be fabricated with either a stainless steel or coaxial wire. Mesh or composite pads can also be a great bonding tool. A transfer tray is provided to allow for the insertion process. For arch or teeth space maintenance the range of products include but are not limited to, 6-6 Lingual Arch, Band and Loop, Transpalatal Arch and Nance appliance.



Removable Retainers

There are many types and uses for Removable Retainers. These include the standard Hawley, the Wrap around style with or without ball clasps on the molars, Clear Bow or QCM Retainers in either standard Hawley or Wrap Around style, the Vander Linden and Clear Retainers. Some uses are but not limited to post Orthodontics- Smile Retainers, Space or current arch Maintainer, minor anterior rotational correction, teeth settling in process.



Minor to Moderate Tooth Alignment

This is a very diverse area and every appliance is customized to the specific needs of each patient. A combination of hooks, springs, buttons and elastics can be used. The variety of springs include but are not limited to, finger, putter, single coil z or double coil z, lap and any customized type that is requested by the prescribing practitioner. We can also use screws, either piston or expansion screws to move teeth. Some of the better known appliances include the Spring Clip Retainer, Modified Spring Clip Retainer, Acco, Automatic Hawley and Clear Aligning Retainer (CARS). The tooth positioner is great finishing appliance but patient compliance is required for optimal results.



Habit Controlling or Correcting Appliance

These type of appliances have tongue spinners, habit fences, spikes or a combination of these options to train the tongue to stay back in the mouth or to keep the fingers out of the mouth. Some patients require an appliance that supports arch development. The range of appliances in this category include Removable, Fixed and Fixed/Removable Combination.



Removable Appliances

Some of the more popular choices might include the Swartz, Sagittal, BowBeer, 3 way Bertoni, Nord Expander, Fan and Jackson appliances.



Fixed Appliances

Some of the more popular choices are the Hyrax, Bonded Hyrax, Fixed Fan, Crozat, Pendex, Haas Expander, Series 2000 appliances, Wilson 3D modular range of appliances, Molar Distalizing and Pendulum.



Functional Appliances

Examples of these types of appliances are Twin Blocks, Bionators, Frankels, Activator, Biofinishers. These appliances are used to develop the arch and teeth as well as reposition the mandible to correct Class I and Class II mal- alignment arches.